
About Infinity

Is there an end of the universe?

There is no end. The expanse of the whole universe (everything) is infinite.

For example, if you travel the universe toward its end by spaceship, you cannot reach it, because the beyond inevitably exists. Even if the universe were contained within something like a wall, the wall is not the end. Because the layer of the wall must have its limit and the beyond inevitably exists.
Even if the expanse of the universe were like the inside of a balloon, the outside inevitably exists. Even if the universe were encircled within nothing, the expanse of the whole universe (everything) is infinite by including the nothing.

You might doubt this, but it becomes clear by logically thinking as below.

When you categorize the territory of the universe to any extent, the outsides inevitably exist. Therefore, “the whole expanse of the universe” (everything), including the close-to-absolute null (nothing) is infinite.

Let me explain this more precisely.

When you assume a certain category (let B stand for the category hereafter), you are assuming a category other than B at the same time. (confer Set of mathematics), However, if someone doubt that the category does not exists, they may think that all categories do not exist, therefore everything is null!

Then, what can be proven if one category really exists? The answer is the existence of “everything” which consists of the existence of one category and the beyond.

Now I will prove the existence of one category using the words of Descartes.

His words “I think, therefore I am” tell us the following truth: If a subject does not exist, it cannot think; so the thinking ego really exists and is not a mere illusion. Therefore, the existence of self is proven, and the existence of the world where the self must exist at or within (the category B) is also proven.

In addition, to exist means to be a subject or object of acts or perception. If one does not exist, it cannot act nor receive anything. Thinking about playing catch leads to an understanding of it. To say it again, to exist means to be a subject or object of an act or perception.

Then, what is null? This question is important when we think about the existence of self and world.

The null is, precisely, an existence close to null. To put it simply, the null is one of the existence.

”The existence close to null” can be divided into two; “the relative null” and “the close-to-absolute null. “The relative null is an existence that can be an object to action or perception for some beings, while not being perceived for the others. For example, ultraviolet is the relative null that really exists, while it cannot be perceived by the five senses of human being. As a side note, ultraviolet can be perceived, by using a sensor, by human beings.

Meanwhile, the close-to-absolute null is a state which can only be perceived by logic.

Conversely speaking, it cannot be an object to action or perception by anything but logic. That is a “nothing” in common usage of words. But there is no phenomenon that cannot be objectified by logic. Sensuously explaining, “objectify the nothing”, “give a name to “nothing””. 
In other words, we can give a name as”close-to-absolute null” to a state which cannot be objectified to act or perception except by logic. It exists as “nothing”, not as a delusion nor illusion since is being perceived correctly. Therefore, a state in which any cannot be objectified or perceived does not exist: “the absolute null” is impossible. “The absolute null” is a misuse of logic
I defined “existence” and “close to absolute null” as above.

Now back to the main question.

Is there an end of the universe?

There is no end. It is infinite
when we categorize the universe at any point, there is always the beyond. Since the category where the self really exist is the universe, the existence of self and the universe is proven. At the same time, the existence of the beyond is also proven.
Therefore, the expanse of the whole universe (everything) is infinite.

Say it in other words, everything is a real and infinite world that consists of existence and existence close to absolute null.

Since the expanse is infinite, we cannot reach its end physically. However, we can exert, even if it might be little, the power of creation. The peace has not yet been fully realized even on the little earth in the vast universe. We must change the earth for the better by creative cooperation.

"Everything" and the Big Bang Theory

"Everything" will continue to exist forever, since it will not disappear. There is no beginning or end to this.

Because "beginning" means "there is nothing before it", and "end" means "there is nothing after that", but everything continues to exist and will not be lost.
In other words, everything does not have a beginning or an end, and it will continue to exist forever.

If you do not feel it is the truth, it is probably due to a misunderstanding of some sort.
From experience, we are aware that most things have beginnings and ends.
However, even if this is mostly true, it is not the absolute truth every single time.

We should also be aware of the fact that there is no beginning or an end in the existence of "everything".

In current cosmological theory, the singular point, and singular region of the Big Bang is said to be the beginning of the universe.

On first impression, this cosmological principle seems inconsistent with the truth: "There is neither a beginning nor an end in the existence of “everything".
However, it does not contradict itself if we consider the following:

If it is the truth that Big Bang is the beginning of a part of “everything”, there will be no contradiction between my opinion and the Big Bang theory.

Going back from the present to the past, it is said that the singular region of the Big Bang is the place where time and space were created, but I think that it is only the beginning of a part of "the whole universe that exists forever".
Because, the idea of a singular point and a singular area is supposing the "null" around it and "everything" I am talking about also includes the "null".

Infinitely and everlasting "everything" has neither a beginning nor an end. I think that the big bang has taken place in part of it, and its part of time and space has started.

* "All except" and "Restrict all" are errors in words.
* Illusion are not null, they are false perceptions (i.e. some existence.)
* The word "absolutely null" is strictly a word error. It is impossible.